The Foxearth and District Local History Society

The Hysterical Hystorian

For occasional articles, snippets and announcements by the Resident Historians.These articles are presented in date order, but if you explore the back-catalogue, you may find much of interest. Historical information doesn't really go out of date! Any member of the F&DLHS may add an entry or make a comment to an existing entry once they have got their userID and password from the Webmaster.

If you'd like to publish any interesting material about the history of East Anglia on the site, then please send an email to the Resident Historians at and we'll add it.

Family Historians have their own area on the site, so look there if your main interest is in tracing your family history.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wards Brewery

It seems incredible that just a few rare collectors' items, our first book 'Foxearth Brew' by the award-winning author Richard Morris, should still be available. Already, the rare copies signed by the legendary, and late-lamented, George Best are changing hands at unimaginable prices. To celebrate the continuing association between the four parishes and brewing, our present brewers, Nethergate, are planning to recreate some more beers from Ward's recipe-books. Here, in the meantime, is an advert from 1912, is an image that combines GH's two passions, cricket and Beer.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This photo was taken in the spinney opposite the Pinkuah Arms, Pentlow, before the 'Beerhouse' became a pub. The mystery is who the people were, the date of the photo. and the occasion they were dessed up for. Such is the interest in genealogy nowadays that, if we can identify people in these local photos, we can make someone happy.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Hooliganism at Glemsford.

From the Suffolk Free Press: December 29th 1909.

At a meeting at the school in Glemsford when Mr W. Eley Quilter the Unionist candidate and several more gentlemen visited Glemsford with the intention of delivering an address on the political situation, a hostile gathering thronged the approach to the school and the arrival of the visitors was the signal for a hostile demonstration

During the whole of the evening, utmost confusion prevailed, the chairman tried to maintain order but his efforts were greeted with derisive shouts

Another cause for annoyance was a young man who constantly rose from his seat and interrupted each speaker, at one stage there was nearly a brawl when the chairman Mr W.S.Goodchild went over to the sweep and endeavoured to reason with him. He seemed to resent the chairman’s remarks and wished to know who was going to put him out and squared up in a pugilistic manner.

The pandemonium continued unabated until the close of the meeting a party of friends from Sudbury and Melford formed a bodyguard for the visitors and escorted the party to the rectory.

On leaving the rectory, stones and mud were thrown at their cars and several missiles struck the windows of their vehicles.
