The Foxearth and District Local History Society

The Hysterical Hystorian

For occasional articles, snippets and announcements by the Resident Historians.These articles are presented in date order, but if you explore the back-catalogue, you may find much of interest. Historical information doesn't really go out of date! Any member of the F&DLHS may add an entry or make a comment to an existing entry once they have got their userID and password from the Webmaster.

If you'd like to publish any interesting material about the history of East Anglia on the site, then please send an email to the Resident Historians at and we'll add it.

Family Historians have their own area on the site, so look there if your main interest is in tracing your family history.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

We've actually been very busy!

I was talking to someone about this site the other day and they happened to say that there was not much going on with it recently. I was a bit puzzled. I'd just been pestering our Internet service provider for more disk space as we'd put on so much new content that it had blown our allowance.  We had just finished putting up the large collection of photographs of Borley Rectory we'd been given, including photos of the model that was built for a television program.
We'd been catching up with a whole lot of photographic tasks after the mammoth project of  putting the Sudbury Photographs on the site, and the epic task of preparing the even larger collection of  350 photographs of old Bures. We'd also added to the Cavendish photos after having got hold of some really good photographs of Cavendish station. Also done recently was the addition of a whole collection of maps of Essex, Suffolk and the local area, after a donation of several old maps by a retired farmer.
I suspect that we now have one of the largest photographic collections of postcards of local views on the site that can be found in East Anglia.
There is plenty more work to do.
After Tom Hastie's death, we are still looking through his archive, kindly donated by the Hastie family. There are a lot of photographs to restore and scan.
Over time, we will be converting our entire collection of photographs to the new format. It is viewable on any device and uses the latest HTML5/CSS to fit itself to the page. Sadly it needs a good internet collection, but I know you have that, don't you?
So anyone else who thinks we've not done much recently can check those links first! In the meantime, we still have a lot of large glass plates with views of Sudbury that haven't been seen for well over a half century. We have done a few, very laboriously, using a scanner, but long for a better way. Any ideas?
